awesome now there is a section for games on this site only 1 a month or 3 depends if I get bored also new videos and we now have a facebook page thanks to auri for that I hope you guys enjoy more of the site
hey doomey here just going to tell you there will be a live stream of cry of fear blind by are friend Rydawg and az4ria5 live of twitch soon so keep and eye out for that and also. getting new video series being made by the rest of the team :D so excited. anyway stay tuned for that and don't forget to sub to team mapige on youtube of course if you haven't :P anyway that's it for this blog i'll post a link when the live stream will take place soon
Update to the site links are now in link section of the site and keeps things better and more cleaner.
also updates to some text color aswell
me and the team will be liver streaming tonight at 4ish and continuing on after that hope it turns out well and people enjoy :/ I'm not very good at streaming but I'll try dammit. also a nice video cause i'm bored
yay things are getting better for this site slowly need to add more art and videos but some of us are busy for the most part. but still working on it :D it's going to look epic soon